
November 2006

Website Testing

July 2009

Slow awakening





Welcome to my site.

Work on the site begun around June 2006, but never really took off. Because I never had time, to busy with work, and visiting family in Europe. Simple site about nothing in particular.

April 6th 2009
Auzentech X-Fi Prelude 1.1 NeKro Custom DriverPack ;)

My first attempt at creating custom pack for X-Fi Prelude, sorry there is no custom all-in-one installer.

This pack is based on original Auzentech X-Fi Prelude 1.1 driver.

Few things that were changed.

1) Alchemy was updated to latest 1.25.10 (newer then current Daniel_K)
2) Console Launcher was updated to latest 2.61.09 (newer then current Daniel_K)
3) DDL was updated to 3.00.01
4) DTS was updated to 1.03.02

to install run xfipreludeDriver1_1_NeKroCustom\Audio\Setup\Setup. exe

Note: shortcuts in Startmenu will be created in Auzentech and Creative folders, need to be self-organized.

in Extras folder you will find
1) AutoMode Switcher, allows to sellect X-fi Mode based on which application is currently running
2) THX Console
3) AppSetup - enables Sound Blaster Enhancements in Speaker Settings. Note: It will also install second Creative Audio Console, can't get around that sorry, need to figure it out. Install AppSetup only if you want Enhancements in Speaker Settings.




System Page - Estimate 90% done
Car Page - Estimate 20% done
Pets Page - 15% done
Contact Page - 80% done

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